Sheikh Hasina: Where does she get so much courage?

Sheikh Hasina does what she says, she can handle the country and the party also. She can turn around from any situation. During Sheikh Hasina's time, these adjectives were accepted by all those who were against her side. where does she get so much mental strength?
Researchers say, she who has lost everything, has nothing to lose. And she who is not afraid of losing something is impossible to suppress. Sheikh Hasina's past says that the storms she has faced to come this far have strengthened her every day.
As a child, he saw that Bangabandhu would be arrested again within two days after returning home on bail from a case. So there was always preparation to go to jail. And as the eldest daughter of Bangabandhu, Sheikh Hasina used to keep Bangabandhu's daily clothes, soap, brush, paste etc. in the suitcase. It was a routine matter of Sheikh Hasina's childhood. This is how her lessons in politics began.
Sheikh Hasina was pregnant at the beginning of the liberation war. Bangabandhu was in Pakistan prison, brother Sheikh Kamal was in the war of liberation - there is no information about him, mother, younger brother Russell, Sheikh Rehana and Sheikh Jamal were imprisoned by Pakistani forces; Sheikh Hasina has passed such a difficult time. The psychological oppression of the Pakistani forces was going on all the time. And in the midst of this, the mentality of taking control has developed.
Bangabandhu was killed along with his full family within four years of independence. Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana survived because they were abroad. From then on, a new struggle began. Fearing for their security, the then Bangladeshi ambassador in Germany, Humayan Rashid, gave them shelter. After that he had to take refuge in India secretly.
She could not return home knowing that the entire family had been killed. She could not even see the bodies of her family members. Instead, she had to hide in different countries in fear of her life. The family had to take control with a strong hand. Children had to be provided with food and education.
She didn't stop there. She returned to the country ignoring all the obstacles to lead the future of Bangladesh. She took control of politics. She took control of Awami League.
Sheikh Hasina had to face a lots of obstacles to do politics after returning to the country. No house in Dhaka city is allowed to rent. Even if someone gave her shelter, they had to be subjected to police harassment in various ways. She was not even allowed to enter her own house at 32 Dhanmondi.
But these adversities could not keep her down but constantly gave her strength. Ignoring strong obstacles, She gradually build a movement against Ershad's military government. After that democracy returned to the country but she was repeatedly attacked.
After coming to the country in 1981 and starting politics, she was attacked 19 times in just 23 years. Among them, the grenade attack on 21 August 2004 was the most terrible.
After coming to power in 2009, Bangladesh did not have to look back. Sheikh Hasina has faced all the storms that have come over the country. And she got the strength to face this storm from all the obstacles that fell on her. So no matter how friendly her path is, she becomes irresistible.