"US seeks India's help in Bangladesh election issue

Since the Awami League government came to power in 2008, the United States has reduced its direct intervention in Bangladesh. The United States viewed Bangladesh from the point of view of India, the ally of the United States in the region, and often took cues from India on matters related to Bangladesh.
However, since Joe Biden came to power in 2021, the United States has adopted a more independent approach. It has started taking its own decisions regarding Bangladesh and has decided to negotiate directly with the country, which has caused some discomfort in India.
Meanwhile, both India and the United States have become concerned about China's growing influence in Bangladesh. Given the country's strategic location and economic importance, a pro-China stance by Bangladesh would be problematic for both India and the United States.
As a result, the US administration has started to closely monitor the elections and human rights situation in Bangladesh. However, some analysts believe that Bangladesh does not appreciate this level of interference, and is developing closer relations with Iran, Turkey, and China as a countermeasure.
According to US experts, India has historically had good relations with the ruling Awami League party in Bangladesh. India sees Awami League as a key ally in combating separatism in the region. Therefore, India has been supporting Awami League under all circumstances.
However, in the current political climate, opposition parties in Bangladesh are gaining momentum in their efforts to challenge the ruling party. This has caused concern for India, as it fears that a weakened Awami League government could lead to a shift towards China.
In response, the United States has reached out to India for support. However, analysts predict that India will not exert undue influence on the issue of Bangladesh elections, as it does not want to give the United States an opportunity to exert any unethical influence. Furthermore, the United States is not interested in bypassing India to counter China's influence in the region."