Why did the killers choose August 15 to kill Bangabandhu ?

The politics of a country was changed forever by killing Bangabandhu. With which there was collusion of various domestic and international quarters. According to US documents released a few years ago. The country's intelligence agency, the CIA, was monitoring the assassination plan from the beginning and held several meetings with Farooq-Rashid. So they also had a significant role in determining the day of killing.
The most unlucky day in Bengali life is August 15, 1975. Bangabandhu's killers chose this date for various reasons. According to various studies, it was not just a murder, but the murder was done through a large military movement. Before any military movement, the surrounding conditions are carefully analyzed.
The politics of a country was changed forever by killing Bangabandhu. With which there was collusion of various domestic and international quarters. According to US documents released a few years ago. The country's intelligence agency, the CIA, was monitoring the assassination plan from the beginning and held several meetings with Farooq-Rashid. So they also had a significant role in determining the day of killing.
The killers of 75 had to consider how to deal with various complications after killing Bangabandhu. So the sum of all previous blueprints was 15th August.
Anti-independence opponents usually identify the victory of Bangladesh as a victory for India. Therefore, a counter-reply by killing Bangabandhu on India's Independence Day on August 15 was an ideological goal of this plan.
Colonel Farooq Sobhan said that they had been thinking about the date of the murder for a long time. First they chose August because of the monsoons. They thought that if Bangabandhu was attacked, Indian forces might come forward to resist it.
Even if the Indian troops finally move, the rainy season will be a hindrance to them. Because it is a difficult task to attack during the rainy season in Bangladesh.
Meanwhile, the assassination plan included a midnight attack. But when Farooq came out of the cantonment in the middle of the night with his army, the news would spread instantly. So very tactfully Colonel Farooq introduced the system of night training for his unit two months in advance.
The rule of this training was night training twice a month. 15th and 16th August were the night training days. No one would suspect that the troops would move this night. Therefore, on August 15, the killing plan was finalized.
Meanwhile Farooq-Rashid planned to bring Khandaker Mushtaq to power after killing Bangabandhu. For this purpose, they held a meeting with Khandaker Moshtaq on August 12, 13 and 14. Farooq Rashid kept the date of August 15 a secret.
But even after so much secrecy, the Indian Intelligence Agency came to know about the matter and warned Bangabandhu. But Bangabandhu did not heed it. He could never believe that the people of this country could kill him. And this belief became tomorrow in Bangabandhu's life.